Summit Neighborhood Association
Board of Directors Meeting
August 21, 2017
Present: Erik Christiansen, Anneliese Greenier, Ethan Gyles, Anne Holland, Britt Page, John Pettinelli, Emily Spitzman, Dean Weinberg, Sandra Lee, Laura Ramsey
Absent: Kim Clark, Kerry Kohring, Lee Clasper-Torch,
Guests: Amy Patenaude, Steve Detoy, Nirva LaFortune
Agenda: Amy Patenaude asked to discuss ambulances and airplanes. Anneliese moved to add agenda item under new business, John seconded, all approved.
Minutes: Approval of July meeting minutes. Dean moved to approve and Britt to second, approved pending addition of two absentees, Britt and Kerry.
Dialogue with City Councilor-Elect Nirva LaFortune: Postponed until later in the meeting.
President’s Report: SNA yard sale is next big event. Support for Billy Taylor Day this weekend is encouraged. Kerry is back home and hopefully recovering quickly.
Treasurer’s Report: Britt asked the board what format would be most useful. She reported there remains about $37,000 in Citizens Bank account. Spent $512 on two candidate forums total. $1600 in revenue including $1500 Senate grant, plus $100 for community garden. $12500 check to Partnership for Providence Parks. $650 for newsletter. Handful of new members, about $245 since last meeting, probably from survey participants. Dean recommends continuing with Quickbooks, since it has years of information stored.
Membership Committee: Ethan asks again for a new chair. Neighborhood survey has been out for two months, so it’s about time to close it. Suggestions for closing it a week after the yard sale or a few days before the Survey Monkey charge for next month. Ethan will pull the complete results from Survey Monkey. He shared some of the results he’s pulled so far.
Summit Park/ Community garden: Dean reports that the Parks Department stated they will begin renovations this month and the park will be closed for a week or more. In early September some of the play things will be delivered and installed. The whole project should be completed by October or so.
Newsletters: Kerry is absent, no report. Newsletters are distributed. Dean notes the story by Mike Fink in this issue and several agree with him that the newsletter should do more of this kind of story in the future.
Events Committee: Anne is planning the yard sale, but we need a date. Sunday September 24th proposed. Proposal is for central location at Citizens Bank lot plus at various and diverse homes. Emily and Britt offered recommendations for publicity. Dean suggested food trucks and music at the bank parking lot.
The cookoff was discussed, noting it will perhaps be the 6th annual such event this year. Discussion about recent incident at Seven Stars, and question of whether SNA should try to facilitate a conversation about race. Consensus is to wait and see on that, but move ahead with the cookoff. Dean also suggests movie night, perhaps in early fall. Tabled until next month.
Dialogue with Nirva LaFortune: Councilwoman-elect stressed that she wants to advocate for all of Ward 3. Discussion about Camp St. police substation and whether to make it priority. Concerns expressed about litter. She also talked about the potential for jobs training and interview training, perhaps in cooperation with Hope St Merchants. Education and MLK Elementary School were also discussed. She wants to form Ward 3 Advisory Committee and she will have a ward meeting soon. The meeting might discuss 311, Camp St., bridging between communities and working with local businesses to engage/hire/serve all. Perhaps a separate meeting for education. She also mentioned the Camp St. farmers market every other Friday. All were encouraged to email her at Nirvaward3@gmail.com.
Ongoing business:
Keep Summit Beautiful signs: To be discussed next month.
Lippitt Fountain compass plaque: Proofs distributed. Discussion of a turquoise aged patina. But consensus is no. Cost was already approved so now production can begin.
Lippitt Fountain: No information, but Parks Dept. is following up report that it is off again.
New business: Billy Taylor Day on Saturday. SNA will get two $50 toy store gift certificates, Sharon offers month of free martial arts lessons, Kim will donate $50 card from Rhody Craft. Dean moved and Anne seconded the expenditure at Henry Bear’s Park.
Ambulances and airplanes: Amy Patenaude says in recent years the independent ambulances use all sorts of noise, at all hours. Dean suggests calling Monica Anderson at Miriam Hospital to discuss. Airplanes seem to be very frequent late at night – suggestion to call RI Airplane Corporation, and she’ll follow up with the Board in September.
Adjournment: Anneliese moves to adjourn, Anne seconded. All in favor.
Next Meeting Monday, September 18th.