America’s Mayors Report to the Nation on Projects to
Strengthen Metro Economies and Create Jobs Now
Release #4: January 17, 2009
Infrastructure Jobs in Cities – “Ready to Go”

Today The U.S. Conference of Mayors releases the fourth in its series of reports on
infrastructure projects that are “ready to go” in cities across the nation – projects that meet local infrastructure needs and contribute to local economic development goals, that can be funded quickly through existing federal channels and start quickly when funding is received, and that can generate the significant numbers of jobs that are needed to counter the severe economic problems we face today in our metro areas and our nation as a whole.

Today we are reporting that, in 779 cities of all sizes in all regions of the country, a
total of 18,750 local infrastructure projects are “ready to go.” These projects represent
an infrastructure investment of $149,758,339,126 that would be capable of producing an
estimated 1,604,371 jobs in 2009 and 2010. These are the cumulative totals of projects,
required funding, and jobs to be created that have been reported in the four surveys of cities
conducted by the Conference of Mayors over the past three months. The populations of the
779 cities submitting projects total 77,946,664.

A list of all Providence projects is attached with Summit area projects highlighted. Of course, Summit residents would also benefit from the other projects.
