June 5: Liz Cameron reports that her contact with the bankruptcy receiver for the former Hillside Health Center suggests that there will be no action on development for some time.
“To recap, Suburban Mortgage (which is partly owned by Giordano) wants to purchase Hillside for the amount of the outstanding debt. Bidders objected and it went to court. The new part is that last month (May) the judge decided to appoint a special counsel to investigate Suburban’s claims and then report to the court. That special counsel has yet to agree (I don’t know who it will be) and then get busy. This process is expected to take 90-120 days. Should the judge then not rule in Suburban?s favor, Suburban would probably appeal that decision. So expect that nothing will happen to Hillside for awhile. I’ll check in again with Rick in August.
“In the meantime, while the receiver obviously does not want to spend a lot of money on the property, they do want to keep it in good condition for the neighborhood. The lawn and bushes will be trimmed by the end of the week. Should you have any concerns about the property, just let me know and Id be glad to pass on those concerns.”
Call 734 -4478 during the day to leave a message for Liz to pass along to the receiver.
HOWIE GLADSTONE · August 8, 2006 at 11:24 am
A general, and informal meeting will take place Thursday Augut 10th.From 7-9 PM ..at the Rochambeau Branch Library-Community Room….Topic the Hillside Center, and what might develop. As concerned neighbors, let’s all try to attend, and see what impact we all may have on this issue.
Howie (hapfra@aol.com)
SNA Board member
Karen · July 11, 2006 at 8:56 pm
I think the idea of an affordable hotel is a good one–does Providence even have one? A neighbor of mine suggested grad student housing. Or how about a university or foundation think tank or study center–.i.e, an institute for scholars/fellows? We’re trying to come up with ideas that would utilize the existing building.
I worry that nothing’s premature at this point–that we have only a small window of time in which to try to influence what happens at Hillside. And whatever happens there could have a tremendous impact on our neighborhood.
Phyl · July 11, 2006 at 8:23 am
This is probably very premature, but i wonder if anyone has
considered the property as a hotel or affordable housing. Providence is ridiculously short of hotel rooms and that negatively affects tourism. The property could be converted to a nice but non-luxury hotel.
RI is also very short of decent affordable housing and that is negatively affecting the economy. I think either of these ideas is a good use of the property provided the number of units is limited so parking and traffic would be reasonable.
HOWIE GLADSTONE · July 5, 2006 at 11:17 pm
So far I have one person who is interested in forming a sub- comitte about the future of Hillside Nursing…Please reply if you are interested…Hopefully we can preserve our neighborhood.
(board member of the SNA)
HOWIE GLADSTONE · June 26, 2006 at 12:10 am
I would be interested in forming a sub-comitte about the future of Hillside property development…I am at hapfra@aol.com Please leave a message and I will get back to you. Thanks~~~
Aaron Masri · June 8, 2006 at 3:33 pm
We should take advantage of this delay and discuss ideas as to how this property should be developed once the legal issues are settled.
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